
We’ve all visited a secular science museum and wandered the halls, amazed at the displays and exhibits. Yet nearly every museum around the world sprinkles in the atheistic doctrines of evolution and chance origins, misleading hundreds of thousands of students per year. We’re changing that perspective in a big way by the end of the year!

It has been almost one month since we made the official announcement of our move to the greater Nashville, Tennessee area and our purchase of a facility, The Wonders Center & Science Museum.

Wonders Center and Science Museum

This museum contains a 430-seat Theater Auditorium which will be used for conferences, live events, documentary premieres, multi-day seminars, and more.

Some of the technology requires refitting and updating for us to fully utilize this space and be ready to broadcast from that portion of the Center. Quotes for upgrading the recording technology, curtains, and lighting, (which has already begun) is estimated to require approximately $150,000.

CLICK HERE to donate today

With your help, the Theater Auditorium will be ready for first use by the end of the year!

There will be opportunities for educational seminars, conferences, workshops, concerts, and more, and the impact of these upgrades will also allow activities in the Theater Auditorium to be broadcast LIVE via our free television network, Genesis Science Network.

Please prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible donation today.


I look forward to keeping you all updated as we make progress on the Center.

Thank you for your consideration!


Truly, the heavens declare the glory of God

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